Quick Facts


Dukante Information

Unfortunately, there was no information from Dukante within The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic by J. Thorp about Bune. Strange!

Personal Connection

At the beginning of May 2024, I had a dream about Bune. She visited me under the guise of being one of my ex friends and another group of people. We were there and we were talking about summoning Bune.

I felt an enormous, powerful, foreboding presence in the room after we summoned Him together. I remember trying to climb the stairs and hearing His voice booming all around me. "BUNE… BUNE… BUNE…" The ex friend in the dream who was actually Bune's disguise was talking in a pleasant voice, which is what the Duke is known for.

Waking up startled and very scared, I instantly asked my other demonolatry friend about this. He informed me that it was a clear sign as any that Duchess Bune wanted to work with me.

Later on, I made an offering to Bune and tried very hard to fall asleep to a chanting video of Her enn. I wanted to have another dream with Him, but this time more lucid. It didn't work. But this time, I woke up feeling not rested at all, which is also what happened when I first dreamt of Her. Interesting. I will update this page as I work with Her more.